O Profissional Liberal-Docente: Um Rebelde com Causa
NERY, A.R.T.; OLIVEIRA, E.M. O profissional liberal-docente: Um rebelde com causa. Rev. Ciên. Empresariais, 2(1): p. 107-124, jan./jun., 2001. 
RESUMO:  Objetiva-se com o presente artigo refletir sobre a atuação do professor universitário, em específico sobre o papel do professor que também é profissional liberal-docente. Profissional esque que, além da carreira como professor, exerce uma atividade profissional, seja como, sonsultor, empresário ou funcionário, ou seja, não está só na via acadêmcia, e que na grande maioria, não tem um preparo só acadêmico/pedagógico, fato este que apresenta várias dimensões, tanto positivas como negativas. Desta forma, com o tema \
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ensino superior - Profissional liberal-docente - Mercado de trabalho - Metodologia de ensino

Professional Liberal-Academician: A Rebel With Cause
NERY, A.R.T.; OLIVEIRA, E.M. Professional liberal-academician: A rebel with cause. Rev. Ciên. Empresariais, 2(1): p. 107-124, jan./jun., 2001.  
ABSTACT:  We objectify with the present article to reflect on the performance of the university teacher, in specific on the paper of the teacher sho also is professional liberal-teacher. Professional this htat beyond the career as teacher exerted a professional activity, either as, consultant, entrepreneur or employee, or either, not this only in the academic life, and that in the great majority she does not have a only pedagogical/academic housekeeping, fact this that presents you vary dimensions, in such a way positive as minus. Of this form with the subject. The professional liberal-teacher: a rebel with cause, we want to stand out the certification of that in the currente conjuncture it has a distanced between what (curricular grid) is passed in classroom and shat real is requested in the world, of the work, or either, the requirements and trends of a competitive market and constant hashing demanding a professional profile differentiated of that this being formed in the universities in the present time. O fhtis form, we look for to stand out, that this professional-liberal-teacher, front to the market changes and conjuncture of the market, becomes one rebel. With cause in the measure where it goes beyond of that established for the resume and academic life, and it contributes for a differentiated for the professional of century XXI.
KEY WORDS: Upper education - Professional liberal-teacher - Market of work - Methodology of education